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Accessibility with Flutter: Apps are for everyone

Join us for our meetup focusing on the importance of creating accessible apps with Flutter!

What: Online meetup about accessibility in apps

When: Thursday, March 30 at 6 PM (+3 GMT)
Check your local time here.

Where: Online, register here.

Apps that are accessible benefit everyone, not just people with disabilities. It’s estimated that over 1 billion people worldwide have a disability, and they face significant barriers to accessing technology.

Creating accessible apps is not just the right thing to do, it’s also a legal requirement. In many countries, including the US and the UK, there are laws that require digital products to be accessible to people with disabilities.

During the meetup, our speakers will cover topics such as cooperation between design and development teams, tips for developers and designers to ensure their apps are accessible, and a demo of the accessibility checker. Attendees will learn about platform-specific differences, semantic labels, spelling out abbreviations, getting things in the right order, ensuring tappable areas make sense out of context, focusing or highlighting new or changing content, and more.

The meetup will also include a tech update from Flutter related to accessibility, which will cover the features supported by Flutter, what they’re focusing on right now, and how others can contribute to their success.

The meetup will end with a Q&A session where attendees can ask questions to the speakers. Overall, the event will be an excellent opportunity for developers and designers to learn how to create accessible apps with Flutter and help make technology more inclusive.


Welcome & Introduction

Tom Gilder, Lead Flutter Developer at Rebel App Studio introduces us to the topic of the meetup – why should you make apps accessible and how do you do it?

A word from Google

Tim Sneath, Director of Product and UX for Flutter & Dart shares why accessible apps are close to his heart.

Accessible apps in practice

Alexander Troshkov, Senior Software Engineer and Petri Pystynen, Lead Designer from Rebel App Studio share their insights about developing accessible apps. They will demo Luetus, an app for the visually impaired and share how the accessibility checker helped them reveal bugs.

Tech update from Flutter

Software Engineers Loïc Sharma and Chun-Heng Tai from Google will share some of the latest accessibility-related developments at Flutter.


The floor is yours dear Flutter community – take this opportunity and pick the brains of our Flutter experts.

Read more.

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