Rebel App Studio hosts the best Flutter app gurus our known universe has to offer. As innovative Flutteristas, our forté is get-rid-of-the-box solutions that help you connect with your audiences in an enjoyable way.
This blog explores the most common traps developers fall into when localising Flutter apps and shares practical tips to ensure your app speaks every language fluently.
Discover Rebel App Studio’s 2024 highlights! It’s been another great year for Rebels, as we’ve continued to create stunning Flutter apps and make meaningful contributions to the Flutter community - which we love dearly!
We did an experiment comparing Flutter and FlutterFlow by developing the same application twice, once with each method. Explore our findings how development may be influenced by choosing between Flutter and FlutterFlow.
Fluttercon EU 24 is over, and now we're gearing up for the first Fluttercon USA!
We had a blast at last year’s Fluttercon Berlin and are excited to attend again. This year, Rebel App Studio by Codemate is proud to announce our strong presence at both Fluttercon Berlin and Fluttercon New York!
This third and final article of our three-article series on test automation delves deeper into Flutter test automation, specifically tailored for Flutter developers.
This second article of our three-article series on test automation provides an introduction to Flutter test automation, catering Flutter testers and developers.
We have prepared a three-article series on test automation for everyone interested in the quality of digital projects. This first article helps you identify how to achieve your goals through test automation.
Wondering about what design tokens are, or how they can be used in creating themes or multibranding? This article dives into the process and learning outcomes of a background study done on the topic of “Unlock efficient multibranding with Flutter and Figma”.
Google has launched the Flutter Consultant Directory, which is meant for everyone looking for trusted Flutter partners, and we are the only company on the list from the Nordics!
Accessibility issues impact all of us at different stages of our lives, whether they are permanent, temporary, or situational. Here are 5 things to consider when developing and designing an accessible app.
We are hosting an online meetup (featuring Google) about a topic that is close to our hearts - accessibility in apps.
Rebel App Studio is developing 20 new news applications simultaneously, an undertaking that would be impossible without the Flutter News Toolkit.